💙 To #L💛VE

Hello my dearest ones ,

So what happens when you think you found your #TrueLove ? Yes , the one that crosses every item , every criteria in your list ? The generous , kind , caring , thoughtful , cheerful, the one that makes your day brighter , the one that thinks of a thousands ways to make your day shine brighter than already is , the one you wake up in the morning and he is there fixing your breakfast and it brings it in bed among with a flower ,how sweet is that ?  … that person that you know you can count on it no matter what, he is there to support you , lift you up and make you the center of his world … all this euphoria in just a few moments … and then … ” I love you ” … he says it out loud … wait …why don’t I  feel it too ? All this overwhelmed me… and suddenly i´m not myself anymore , all this perfection , joy , enthusiasm , happiness starts to make no more sense … I believe everything falls into place when there is chemistry , then it doesn’t really matter what the other is doing . Everything is going to fall into place , there is no good or bad , no right or wrong , there are no rules, all is marvelous and pure joy and pure happiness and blissfulness . And without that Elysium, for me is just sad … I want to live and feel what the other is feeling, that’s the most beautiful feeling in the world … to share the magic that is going on in your heart , in your soul, at the core of your being …You can waste your time trying to make things happen, or move on and know it’s not right.Don’t push something that’s not there. Don’t waste your time on something deep down you know will never happen. Whether it’s timing, chemistry, emotional unavailability, it isn’t there.It´s sad because I can’t feel it, because I don’t feel the same for the person who is truly having that amazing tingling in the stomach and butterflies ,mixed with craziness and all the stupid things we aim to do when we are in LOVE . I know you worked hard for it , but one day , dear soul , you will meet that person that will turn your world around , just as I will too. 

Womens , they don´t want nice , they want a punch in the f*cking heart  ❤

This quote gets into my mind , due to the last movie i’ve seen called 1 Night   ,I recommend it , it´s a nice movie , but make no expectations Sourire 🙂 

Thank you so much for reading my stories blondies ^_^  !

Love Gx ❤ 


YOU deserve real L❤️VE!

me4Hello my dearest ones ! Lately i´ve been in a really nice state , the feeling that everything is going to be ok ,the feeling that ,if the past relationship didn’t work out it doesn’t mean I don’t deserve to be loved . I said to myself: YOU  my dear deserve happiness. YOU deserve to be respected, treated well, strengthened, and appreciated. YOU deserve a partner who see YOU beyond your faults and flaws. A partner who will inspire you, who will bring you up when we’re down, who will support you when you can’t find your footing, who won’t leave when times get tough or something better comes along. YOU deserve the world. YOU deserve to fall into a relationship with someone who adore YOU, with that person who see you as valuable, and special, and worthy of their affection and attention.

YOU deserve real L❤️VE —the passionate, steady, consistent, dedicated LOVE. And no, you honestly shouldn’t settle for anything less.

There isn’t perfection. There isn’t a person who will cross of every item on our list or meet all the criterion in my mind or always say and do the right thing, but there is such thing as real love. And I should let myself fall deeply into that, and only that.But the problem with honoring what I deserve and not settling for anything else, is that sometimes it leads me into entitlement. Sometimes it gives me a big head, makes me feel as if i´m on top of the world and that no one is worthy of the love that I give.

But this makes me wonder … Am I giving that kind of LOVE in return ?

No, I should never settle. But am I becoming the person who deserves the love i´m looking for?

Am I becoming the partner who will do the same for ,my forever person ? The partner who is steady, consistent, dedicated, trustworthy, honorable? The partner who will strive to be the best it can, not only for myself and others, but for each other?

There is so much to be said for not settling, for holding out for the right people, for not falling into relationships purely because of the fear of being alone. There is so much to be said about being with someone who builds you, rather than breaks you. Or finding your way out of something unhealthy or toxic.But we also have to take a look inside ourselves, too.

It’s not solely about finding the love that I deserve, but making sure I’m a loving person and I deserve to be loved, too.

Because at the end of the day, we’re all human and we’re all looking for connections with one another. At the end of the day, we’re all trying to find someone whose soul and mindset are compatible with ours, enough to tie our lives together. Love isn’t easy. It isn’t waking up to another beautiful day with a beautiful person in a beautiful home with a beautiful life. It’s conflict. It’s frustration. It’s not always seeing eye-to-eye, and staying up late arguing about pointless crap. It’s not knowing what to say. It’s feeling empty sometimes. It’s wanting to give up. But it’s staying. It’s fighting. It’s continuing. It’s working back to affection, simply because you’ve chosen this person. And you’ll continue to choose them, no matter how hard life gets.

So please, never settle for what isn’t LOVE. Never fall into something just because you’re tired of being alone, or you’re scared, or because you feel there’s no other option.Please, never forget that you’re worthy of being chosen.
But also make sure to fight to be someone worth choosing.

With all my love , 

Gabrielle x ❤️

The importance of feeling important 

        Sometimes life feels like a flat line. Nothing is terrible. But nothing is really great, either. You live your days. You fight for the weekends. Time passes. And then it’s back to the beginning again, to a monotonous blue Monday when you return to your numbness, to your flaky job, to daydreaming for hours about all the things you wish you could change. You think about what you should be doing instead of all of this, because whatever this is isn’t working. And as the days crawl along, draining all the lush creativity you thought had once defined your character, the more stuck and uninspired you get.
You want to shake free from this terrible web. You want to rediscover that part of yourself that once was so steadfast and full of ideas, when everything you ever wanted to do in life seemed so possible. These days it just feels whatever now. It’s like the color in your mind has disappeared. And you miss it, that lust for life and how it felt when your mind was challenged. This is when you miss college the most, when you were surrounded by intellectual energy and writing and books and conversations that made you think and see the world differently. But college was so long ago. That passion didn’t stay alive. The rut had won. And now everything is the same.
This is also when you miss having great conversations with people who have done crazy beautiful things in life who can teach you things and make you discover things about yourself that you never saw before. Now you sit in a room full of people having the same flat conversation that you’ve heard a million times and you’ve never felt more alone or misunderstood.
So you dive into books and music and wine, trying to immerse yourself in new light and big thoughts so you can reimagine your place in the world, your truth, your purpose. But it isn’t that easy to make those kinds of changes sometimes. It’s actually really hard to overcome feeling irrelevant. When your place in the world feels like a void, it feels as though at any second you’ll just disappear and nobody will know and it won’t make any bit of difference.
I wanted to matter in this world.
I wanted my mind and my creativity to make a difference. And I knew I was important but I wanted to feel important. And nothing I was doing was granting that. It was my own fault. I was a broken record. I needed to break free from the drudgery. I needed to find my spark again. And I needed to stop feeling like a victim because I had lost myself, because I wasn’t challenged, because I had become stagnant and continued to surround myself by people who I had zero connection with, and because I kept working a job that numbed me. But I refused to feel irrelevant anymore.
It wouldn’t all change overnight. But you have to believe in it. That’s how the first step goes. And as impossible as it might seem, whatever is it for you in terms of your greatest happiness or achievement, just know that it is possible.
But you have to wholly immerse yourself in this new world. You have to surround yourself with people who are passionate about things–people you can have deep conversations with and those you can learn something from. And if this means rethinking the people in your life because they don’t make you feel good, because they make you feel empty, because nobody has anything positive to say, then it is what it is. You have to do things that will challenge you, make you think, make you ask questions, and will help you embrace your talents again (or might even help you discover new ones). Because when you do all of this, when you refuse to feel stagnant and unimportant by doing everything differently than how it’s been, you will find yourself again.

Something in you will reignite. And you will rediscover the magic of possibility in this illuminated new world that reminds you just how important you and your talents really are.

Love , G x ❤️

Sometimes you feel big and powerful ,and sometimes you feel as the smallest ,unsignificant person …

Hello dear ones ,

It´s been a while since I haven´t posted anything here on the blog ,the thing is i´ve been too busy trying to figure out something that now if i look at it ,i don´t know why i struggle so much in forcing things to happen . I was cought up into “builing ” / retaking  a relationship on a long distance ( definitly not a fan of this kind of relationships ) . A relationship that 12 years ago made a huge difference in my life , and since then my personality was build up from that “standards” . I don´t think it was the right and most happy relationship , but as anything in life has his up´s and down´s this was not going to be perfect either. So here I am cought up ,and all confused . What is normal for the couples in long distance relationship to talk ,either text or call ? Show apreciation ,love and be caring ? I don´t know if it´s just me or the feeling that I have, but there is something that it tells my gut that something is not just right . And we women have the 6st sence that when something is not right , then it´s not . I´ve been puting so much energy and faith and love into this that it doesnt seem that it comes from the other side also , it feels like i´m in this alone and it shouldn´t . It´s a long story ,and complicated , i will try to take a break from it to clear my mind and my thoughts, meanwhile i will try to get back on track with my videos ,tutorials and specially this Blog  . I leave you know with a quote that i read and really resonate with me , hope you like it . quote

Thank you so much for reading my story and you will hear from me soon :*

Love Gx


My #3words2017 , and YOU ?

picmonkey_imageHello my dear ones ! For sure 2016 was one hell of a year and for sure 2017 is going to be a Spectacular Year full of challenges and new stories to remember and cherish . First things first, we are still in the 2016, and I would like to Thank Him for all that he has brought me . I couldn’t say that is was a fabulous year because some how I’ve got caught up on the road and miss my way on to an even more spectacular Exit of the Year . Making mistakes is the best way to learn .I am Grateful for all the opportunities I had and all the Magic that happened in 2016. Therefor I discover  a great inspiration that from day 1 it started to resonate with me.

Isra Garcia  it become My Mentor he is a Marketer. Adviser. Speaker. Author. Educator. Principal. Digital Transformation. Blogger Entrepreneur and much more …

I have so much to learn from and I am so excited to start a Brand New Begging building it brick by brick . So this post is going to mark a Difference for my Next Year and is going to be composed by only #3WORDS2017


#DIY #Christmas Poinsettia Flower

Hello dear ones , Christmas is almost here and i wanted to share with all of you this lovely Poinsettia  flower that i made with much LOVE  and care ❤  for you. Also i would like to share with you a small flower arrangement made by my sister ❤ Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all . Love Gx


Testing sweet and salty Asian food

Hello dear ones 🙂 Today I’ve made a video with my best friend Sonia from Gustamonton YouTube Channel ,testing some funny sweet and salty  Asian Products. Making this video was the best part , we laugh so much and made a lot of bloopers. Hope you enjoy watching this video as much as we did.

Love Gx


Detox hair, minimized pores …

Hello my beauties, now you can get a DETOX hair at home ,very easy and simple .Also you can minimize your pores by using just one ingredient …i say no more , enjoy the video here :

Much Love  Gx ❤



Madrid Beauty Days

Hola guapas! El otro día me habian invitado a asistir a Madrid Beauty Days  . Una feria enfocada en la belleza. Me ha encantado estar ahi,aprender y descubir muchas cosas utiles ,nuevas y realmente necesarias. Aqui os dejo miVIDEO corto de la Feria de Belleza.

The other day I was invited to Madrid Beauty Days. Here is a short video about the Beauty Event ! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did being there .

Muchas gracias a Madrid Beauty Days por la invitación! Y esperoq ue os guste el video ! Si teneis DUDAS , dejarme un comentario guapas.

Un beso muy grande :*

Love Gx ❤